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Dark Angels : Marcheurs [1850 points]

par Wedge - modifiée le 5 Juillet 2016

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Détachement principal
Archmagos Draykavac
0 | 325

Equipement : Parangon blade, Graviton gun, Cortex controller, Djinn-Skein, Machinator array, Mechanicum protectiva, Abeyant, Cyber Occularis (4)
Aptitudes : Battlesmith, Fear, High Techno-Arcana (Stataraga), Liquifractor, Relentless, Stubborn
1 unité | 325 points | 17.57 %
Contemptor Dreadnought Talon
0 | 190

Equipement : Twin-linked heavy bolter, Dreadnought close combat weapon with inbuilt twin-linked bolter, Searchlight, Smoke launcher, Havoc launcher, Multi-melta, Dreadnought close combat weapon with inbuilt twin-linked bolter
Aptitudes : Atomantic shielding, Dreadnought talon, Fleet
Contemptor Dreadnought Talon
0 | 205

Equipement : Twin-linked heavy bolter, Dreadnought close combat weapon with inbuilt twin-linked bolter, Searchlight, Smoke launcher, Kheres pattern assault cannon (2)
Aptitudes : Atomantic shielding, Dreadnought talon, Fleet
Legion Dreadnought Talon
0 | 125

Equipement : Twin-linked heavy bolter, Dreadnought close combat weapon with inbuilt twin-linked bolter, Searchlight, Smoke launcher, [Sa] Twin-linked heavy flamer, Dreadnought close combat weapon with inbuilt twin-linked bolter (2)
Aptitudes : Dreadnought talon
Myrmidon secutor (3)
0 | 170

Equipement : Power axe, Frags grenades, Krak grenades, Infravisor, Refractor field, Phased plasma-fusil, Volkite charger
Aptitudes : Bulky, Fusillade attack, Lumbering advance, Relentless, Stubborn
Myrmidon Lord Equipement : Power axe, Frags grenades, Krak grenades, Infravisor, Refractor field, Rad/Irad cleanser
4 unités | 690 points | 37.3 %
Attaque rapide
Legion Storm Eagle Assault Gunship
0 | 250

Equipement : Four wing-mounted tempest rockets, Twin linked heavy bolter, Vengeance missile launcher, Two twin-linked lascannon
Aptitudes : Assault vehicle, Deep strike, Machine Spirit
Vorax class battle-automata maniple (3)
0 | 205

Equipement : Battle-automata power blades, Lightning gun, Rotor cannon, Rotor cannon, Infravisor, Rad/Irad cleanser
Aptitudes : Cybernetica cortex, Fleet, Scout
2 unités | 455 points | 24.59 %
Achilles-Alpha Pattern Land Raider
0 | 300

Equipement : Hull-mounted quad mortar, Two sponson-mounted twin-linked volkite culverins, Extra armour, Searchlight, Smoke launcher
Aptitudes : Enhanced ferromantic rites, Galvanic traction drive, Machine Spirit
Deredeo Pattern Dreadnought
0 | 220

Equipement : Twin linked heavy bolter, Twin-linked Anvillus pattern autocannon battery, Extra armour, Searchlight, Smoke launcher, Aiolos missile launcher, Twin-linked heavy flamer
Aptitudes : Atomantic shielding, Helical targeting array, Relic of the Armoury
Legion Fire Raptor gunship
0 | 200

Equipement : Four wing-mounted tempest rockets, Hull-mounted twin linked avenger bolt cannon, Two turret-mounted quad heavy bolters, Extra armour
Aptitudes : Deep strike, Independent turret fire, Strafing Run, Machine Spirit
Myrmidon destructors (3)
0 | 215

Equipement : Power fist, Frags grenades, Graviton gun, Krak grenades, Infravisor, Refractor field, Convertion beamer, Photon thruster, Volkite Culvarin
Aptitudes : Bulky, Lumbering advance, Preferred ennemy (everything), Relentless, Stubborn
4 unités | 935 points | 50.54 %

Points : 0 | 2405
- pts en trop : 555
Commandement : 6
Figurines : 17
Unités : 11

: 0 | 915
Pts : 49.5%
: 0 | 1490
Pts : 80.5%

Abattez-le : 0
Assassinat : 1
Abhorrez le sorcier : 0
Pas de prisonniers : 0
Photo aléatoire

1 Ork par Reldan
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