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Grey Knights : GK VERSE [5000 points]

par Bourinnage - modifiée le 16 Août 2020

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Détachement principal
6 | 113


Equipement : Crozius Arcanum, Bolter Storm, Grenades Frag, Grenades Krak
Aptitudes : Assaut Percutant, Chasseurs de Demons, Chef Spirituel, Discipline du Bolter, Et ils ne connaîtront pas la peur, Frappe par Téléportation, -Litanies- Litanie de la Haine, Rites de Bannissement, Rosarius
Mots clés : Chaplain, Infanterie, Personnage, Psyker, Terminator
Mots clés de faction : Adeptus Astartes, Grey knights, Imperium
Pouvoirs : Châtiment

debut battle round, 3+ littany


If this litany is inspiring, then when a model in a friendly GREY KNIGHTs unit within 6" of this model would lose a wound as a result of a mortal wound, roll one D6; on a 5+ that wound is not lost. This is not cumulative with any similar rules


If this litany is inspiring, select one friendly GREY KNIGHTS unit within 6" of this model. When resolving an attack made with a ranged weapon by a model in that unit, ignore hit roll modifiers and Ballistic Skill modifiers.

3. Litany of Hate:

If this litany is inspiring, you can re-roll hit rolls for attacks made with melee weapons by models in
friendly GREY KNIGHTS units whilst their unit is within 6" of this model.

1 attempt, 1 deny.

Warp Shaping has a warp charge value of 5. If manifested, select a Tide of the Warp that is not dominant. The currently dominant Tide of the Warp is changed to the selected Tide of the Warp.

Grand Master en Nemesis Dreadknight
11 | 255

7-12 pv 82+2+667-12+592+/4++
4-6 pv 72+3+664-6492+/4++
1-3 pv 62+4+661-3392+/4++

Equipement : Téléporteur Dreadknight, Grand Marteau Tueur de Demons Nemesis, Poing de Dreadknight (Simple), Psycanon Lourd (2)
Aptitudes : Assaut Percutant, Chasseurs de Demons, Ecran de Force, Et ils ne connaîtront pas la peur, Halo de Fer, Rites de Bannissement, Rites de Bataille
Mots clés : Grand Master, Nemesis Dreadknight, Personnage, Psyker, Vehicule
Mots clés de faction : Adeptus Astartes, Grey knights, Imperium
Pouvoirs : Châtiment

Attempt 2, deny one

Warlord trait : FIRST TO THE FRAY

You can re-roll failed charge rolls for your Warlord and friendly GREY KNIGHTS units that are within 6" of him at the start of the Charge phase.


Armoured Resilience has a warp charge value of 6. If manifested, select one friendly GREY KNIGHTS INFANTRY unit within 12" of this psyker. Until the start of your next Psychic phase, when resolving an attack that targets that unit, subtract 1 from the wound roll.

2 unités | 368 points | 7.36 %
Strike Squad (5)
7 | 175


Equipement : Marteau Tueur de Démons Nemesis (4), Bolter Storm (4), Grenades anti-psy (4), Grenades Frag (4), Grenades Krak (4)
Aptitudes : Assaut Percutant, Chasseurs de Demons, Discipline du Bolter, Discipline Séraphique, Escouades de combat, Et ils ne connaîtront pas la peur, Frappe par Téléportation, Psyker Grey Knights, Rites de Bannissement
Mots clés : Infanterie, Psyker, Strike Squad
Mots clés de faction : Adeptus Astartes, Grey knights, Imperium
Pouvoirs : Châtiment
Justicar Equipement : Marteau Tueur de Démons Nemesis , Bolter Storm
Aptitudes : Assaut Percutant, Discipline du Bolter

Attempt 1 deny 1


Gate of Infinity has a warp charge value of 6. If manifested, pick a friendly GREY KNIGHTS unit within 12" of the psyker. Remove that unit from the battlefield and immediately set it up anywhere on the battlefield
that is more than 9" from any enemy models.
Terminator Squad (9)
22 | 486


Equipement : Incinerator (Terminator) (2), Marteau Tueur de Démons Nemesis (7), Sceptre de force Nemesis, Bolter Storm (6), Grenades anti-psy, Grenades Frag, Grenades Krak
Aptitudes : Assaut Percutant, Chasseurs de Demons, Crux Terminatus, Discipline du Bolter, Discipline Séraphique, Escouades de combat, Et ils ne connaîtront pas la peur, Frappe par Téléportation, Psyker Grey Knights, Rites de Bannissement
Mots clés : Infanterie, Psyker, Terminator, Terminator Squad
Mots clés de faction : Adeptus Astartes, Grey knights, Imperium
Pouvoirs : Châtiment
Terminator Justicar Equipement : Marteau Tueur de Démons Nemesis , Bolter Storm, Grenades anti-psy, Grenades Frag, Grenades Krak
Aptitudes : Assaut Percutant, Discipline du Bolter

Attempt 1 deny 1

‘Sanctuary has a warp charge value of 6. If manifested, pick a
friendly Grey Knights unit within 12" of the psyker. Until the
start of your next Psychic phase, the invulnerable save of that
unit is improved by 1 (to a maximum of 3+). Models that do not
have an invulnerable save instead gain a 5+ invulnerable save.
Terminator Squad (5)
11 | 257


Equipement : Psycanon (Terminator), Marteau Tueur de Démons Nemesis (3), Sceptre de force Nemesis, Bolter Storm (3), Grenades anti-psy, Grenades Frag, Grenades Krak
Aptitudes : Assaut Percutant, Chasseurs de Demons, Crux Terminatus, Discipline du Bolter, Discipline Séraphique, Escouades de combat, Et ils ne connaîtront pas la peur, Frappe par Téléportation, Psyker Grey Knights, Rites de Bannissement
Mots clés : Infanterie, Psyker, Terminator, Terminator Squad
Mots clés de faction : Adeptus Astartes, Grey knights, Imperium
Pouvoirs : Châtiment
Terminator Justicar Equipement : Marteau Tueur de Démons Nemesis , Bolter Storm, Grenades anti-psy, Grenades Frag, Grenades Krak
Aptitudes : Assaut Percutant, Discipline du Bolter

attempt 1 deny 1

‘Sanctuary has a warp charge value of 6. If manifested, pick a
friendly Grey Knights unit within 12" of the psyker. Until the
start of your next Psychic phase, the invulnerable save of that
unit is improved by 1 (to a maximum of 3+). Models that do not
have an invulnerable save instead gain a 5+ invulnerable save.
3 unités | 918 points | 18.36 %
5 | 95


Equipement : Epée de Force Nemesis , Marteau Tueur de Démons Nemesis , Grenades anti-psy, Grenades Frag, Grenades Krak
Aptitudes : Assaut Percutant, Chasseurs de Demons, Crux Terminatus, Discipline du Bolter, Discipline Séraphique, Et ils ne connaîtront pas la peur, Frappe par Téléportation, Narthecium, Psyker Grey Knights, Rites de Bannissement
Mots clés : Apothecary, Infanterie, Personnage, Psyker, Terminator
Mots clés de faction : Adeptus Astartes, Grey knights, Imperium
Pouvoirs : Châtiment

attempt 1 deny 1


Gate of Infinity has a warp charge
value of 6. If manifested, pick a
friendly GREY KNIGHTS unit within
12" of the psyker. Remove that unit
from the battlefield and immediately
set it up anywhere on the battlefield
that is more than 9" from any
enemy models.
Servitors (4)
2 | 108


Equipement : Multi-fuseur (infanterie) (4)
Aptitudes : Blocage Mental
Mots clés : Infanterie, Servitors
Mots clés de faction : Adeptus Astartes, Grey knights, Imperium
2 unités | 203 points | 4.06 %

Points : 64 | 1489
- pts restants : 3511
Commandement : 6
Figurines : 26
Unités : 7

Abattez-le : 2
Assassinat : 10
Abhorrez le sorcier : 15
Pas de prisonniers : 37
Photo aléatoire

1 Ork par Reldan
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