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Space Wolves : Space Doggos [2000 points]

par Bourinnage - modifiée le 12 Octobre 2020

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Détachement principal
Bjorn The Fell-Handed
10 | 180


: Explosion (3
Equipement : Griffe Intègre , Lance-flammes lourd, Multi-fuseur
Aptitudes : Anges de la Mort, Devoir Eternel, Rites de Bataille, Ténacité Légendaire
Mots clés : Bjorn The Fell-Handed, Dreadnought, Écran de Fumée, Personnage, Véhicule
Mots clés de faction : Adeptus Astartes, Imperium, Space Wolves

Angels of Death (see Codex: Space Marines)

Duty Eternal: Each time an attack is allocated to this model, subtract 1 from the Damage characteristic of that
attack (to a minimum of 1).

Legendary Tenacity: Each time this model would lose a wound, roll one D6; on a 5+, that wound is not lost.

Rites of Battle (Aura): While a friendly Space Wolves Core unit is within 6" of this model, each time a model in that unit makes an attack, re-roll a hit roll of 1.

Explodes: When this model is destroyed, roll one D6 before removing it from play. On a 6 it explodes, and each unit within 3" suffers 1 mortal wound.
Prêtre Loup
6 | 120

Prêtre Loup 62+3+444393+/4++
Upgrade Réacteur Dorsal 122+3+444393+/4++

Equipement : Gantelet énergétique, Grenades Frag , Grenades Krak , Pistolet à plasma
Aptitudes : Amulette du Loup, Anges de la Mort, Baumes de guérison, Chef Spirituel, -Litanies- Litanie de la Haine
Mots clés : Infanterie, Personnage, Prêtre Loup
Mots clés de faction : Adeptus Astartes, Imperium, Space Wolves
Upgrade Réacteur Dorsal Aptitudes : La Mort Venue du Ciel
Mots clés : Réacteur Dorsal, Vol

Wolf Amulet: This model has a 4+ invulnerable save.

Spiritual Leader: Friendly SPACE WOLVES units can use this model’s Leadership characteristic instead of
their own whilst they are within 6" of this model.

Healing Balms: At the end of your Movement phase a Wolf Priest can attempt to heal a single model. To do
so, select a SPACE WOLVES INFANTRY, BIKER or CAVALRY unit within 3" of him. If that unit contains a wounded model, it immediately regains up to D3 lost wounds. A unit can only be the target of Healing Balms once in each turn

Canticle of Hate:
If this litany is inspiring, add 2 to charge rolls made for
friendly SPACE WOLVES units whilst they are within
6" of this model. In addition, when a friendly SPACE
WOLVES unit makes a pile-in or consolidate move
within 6" of this model, models in that unit can move up
to an additional 3". This is not cumulative with any other
ability that adds to a unit’s charge roll or increases the
distance it can pile in or consolidate.

Tale of the Wolf King and the Lord of the Deeps :
If this litany is inspiring, select one friendly SPACE
WOLVES unit within 6" of this model. When resolving
an attack made with a melee weapon by a model in that
unit against a MONSTER or VEHICLE unit, add 1 to the
Damage characteristic of that weapon for that attack.

Saga of Majesty,

(Aura): When a Psychic test is taken for an enemy model within 18" of the bearer, subtract 2 from the result.'
Ragnar Blackmane
7 | 130


Equipement : Croc de Givre, Grenades Frag , Grenades Krak , Pistolet bolter
Aptitudes : Anges de la Mort, Avidité Guerrière, Ceinture de Russ, Hurlement Guerrier, Rage Berserk, Rites de Bataille
Mots clés : Infanterie, Personnage, Primaris, Ragnar Blackmane, Seigneur Loup
Mots clés de faction : Adeptus Astartes, Imperium, Space Wolves

Angels of Death (pg 38)
Battlelust: When a friendly SPACE WOLVES unit within 6" of this model and not within 3" of an enemy unit consolidates, it can move up to 6" instead of 3".
War Howl: You can re-roll charge rolls made for friendly SPACE WOLVES units (other than VEHICLE units) if
they are within 6" of this model when the roll is made.

Jarl of Fenris: Re-roll hit rolls of 1 for attacks made by models in friendly SPACE WOLVES units whilst their unit is within 6" of this model.

Berserker Rage: When this model is affected by the Shock Assault ability, add 3 to the Attacks characteristic of this model instead of 1.

Belt of Russ: This model has a 4+ invulnerable save.
3 unités | 430 points | 21.5 %
Chasseurs Gris (5 + 1)
8 | 128

Chasseur Gris 63+3+442173+
Chef de Meute Chasseur Gris 63+3+442273+

Equipement : Epée tronçonneuse Astartes (4), Bolter (4), Grenades Frag (4), Grenades Krak (4), Pistolet bolter (4)
Aptitudes : Anges de la Mort
Mots clés : Base, Grey Hunters, Infanterie
Mots clés de faction : Adeptus Astartes, Imperium, Space Wolves
Chef de Meute Chasseur Gris Equipement : Grenades Frag , Grenades Krak , Pistolet bolter + Chef de Meute Garde Loup en Armure Terminator Equipement : Bolter Storm, Bouclier Storm
Aptitudes : Anges de la Mort
Mots clés : Garde Loup, Terminator
Chasseurs Gris (5 + 1)
8 | 128

Chasseur Gris 63+3+442173+
Chef de Meute Chasseur Gris 63+3+442273+

Equipement : Epée tronçonneuse Astartes (4), Bolter (4), Grenades Frag (4), Grenades Krak (4), Pistolet bolter (4)
Aptitudes : Anges de la Mort
Mots clés : Base, Grey Hunters, Infanterie
Mots clés de faction : Adeptus Astartes, Imperium, Space Wolves
Chef de Meute Chasseur Gris Equipement : Grenades Frag , Grenades Krak , Pistolet bolter + Chef de Meute Garde Loup en Armure Terminator Equipement : Bolter Storm, Bouclier Storm
Aptitudes : Anges de la Mort
Mots clés : Garde Loup, Terminator
Chasseurs Gris (5 + 1)
8 | 128

Chasseur Gris 63+3+442173+
Chef de Meute Chasseur Gris 63+3+442273+

Equipement : Epée tronçonneuse Astartes (4), Bolter (4), Grenades Frag (4), Grenades Krak (4), Pistolet bolter (4)
Aptitudes : Anges de la Mort
Mots clés : Base, Grey Hunters, Infanterie
Mots clés de faction : Adeptus Astartes, Imperium, Space Wolves
Chef de Meute Chasseur Gris Equipement : Grenades Frag , Grenades Krak , Pistolet bolter + Chef de Meute Garde Loup en Armure Terminator Equipement : Bolter Storm, Bouclier Storm
Aptitudes : Anges de la Mort
Mots clés : Garde Loup, Terminator
3 unités | 384 points | 19.2 %
Gardes Loups en Armure Terminator (5)
9 | 165

Garde Loup en Armure Terminator 53+3+443282+
Garde Loup Pack Leader en Armure Terminator 53+3+443382+

Equipement : Epée énergétique (4), Bouclier Storm (4)
Aptitudes : Anges de la Mort
Mots clés : Base, Garde Loup, Infanterie, Terminator
Mots clés de faction : Adeptus Astartes, Imperium, Space Wolves
Wolf Guard Pack Leader en Armure Terminator Equipement : Epée énergétique, Bolter Storm
Gardes Loups en Armure Terminator (5)
9 | 165

Garde Loup en Armure Terminator 53+3+443282+
Garde Loup Pack Leader en Armure Terminator 53+3+443382+

Equipement : Bolter Storm (4), Bouclier Storm (4)
Aptitudes : Anges de la Mort
Mots clés : Base, Garde Loup, Infanterie, Terminator
Mots clés de faction : Adeptus Astartes, Imperium, Space Wolves
Wolf Guard Pack Leader en Armure Terminator Equipement : Epée énergétique, Bolter Storm
Gardes Loups en Armure Terminator (5)
9 | 165

Garde Loup en Armure Terminator 53+3+443282+
Garde Loup Pack Leader en Armure Terminator 53+3+443382+

Equipement : Bolter Storm (4), Bouclier Storm (4)
Aptitudes : Anges de la Mort
Mots clés : Base, Garde Loup, Infanterie, Terminator
Mots clés de faction : Adeptus Astartes, Imperium, Space Wolves
Wolf Guard Pack Leader en Armure Terminator Equipement : Epée énergétique, Bolter Storm
Wulfen (5)
8 | 194

Wulfen 83+5+552374+
Wulfen Pack Leader 83+5+552474+

Equipement : Marteau Thunder (4), Bouclier Storm (4)
Aptitudes : Anges de la Mort, Frénésie de mort, Hurlement de Wulfen, Rage Bestiale, Tueurs Sauvages
Mots clés : Infanterie, Wulfen
Mots clés de faction : Adeptus Astartes, Imperium, Space Wolves
Wulfen Pack Leader Equipement : Griffes de givre de Wulfen

Angels of Death (see Codex: Space Marines)

Death Frenzy: Each time a model in this unit is destroyed by a melee attack, if that model has not fought this phase, do not remove it from play. The destroyed model can fight after the attacking model’s unit has finished making attacks, and is then removed from play.

Bestial Rage: This unit cannot perform any actions, as described in the Warhammer 40,000 Core book.

Wulfen Howl (Aura):
While a friendly Space Wolves Infantry, Space Wolves Biker or Space Wolves Cavalry unit is within 6" of this unit, you can re-roll charge rolls made for that unit. While a friendly Space Wolves Blood Claws unit is within 12" of this unit, you can re-roll charge rolls made for that unit.

Savage Killers: Each time you make an attack for a model in this unit, if your army benefits from Combat Doctrines, the Assault Doctrine is treated as being active for your army for that attack. In addition, this unit is always treated as having made a charge move for the purposes of the Shock Assault ability.
Wulfen (5)
8 | 194

Wulfen 83+5+552374+
Wulfen Pack Leader 83+5+552474+

Equipement : Marteau Thunder (4), Bouclier Storm (4)
Aptitudes : Anges de la Mort, Frénésie de mort, Hurlement de Wulfen, Rage Bestiale, Tueurs Sauvages
Mots clés : Infanterie, Wulfen
Mots clés de faction : Adeptus Astartes, Imperium, Space Wolves
Wulfen Pack Leader Equipement : Griffes de givre de Wulfen

Angels of Death (see Codex: Space Marines)

Death Frenzy: Each time a model in this unit is destroyed by a melee attack, if that model has not fought this phase, do not remove it from play. The destroyed model can fight after the attacking model’s unit has finished making attacks, and is then removed from play.

Bestial Rage: This unit cannot perform any actions, as described in the Warhammer 40,000 Core book.

Wulfen Howl (Aura):
While a friendly Space Wolves Infantry, Space Wolves Biker or Space Wolves Cavalry unit is within 6" of this unit, you can re-roll charge rolls made for that unit. While a friendly Space Wolves Blood Claws unit is within 12" of this unit, you can re-roll charge rolls made for that unit.

Savage Killers: Each time you make an attack for a model in this unit, if your army benefits from Combat Doctrines, the Assault Doctrine is treated as being active for your army for that attack. In addition, this unit is always treated as having made a charge move for the purposes of the Shock Assault ability.
5 unités | 883 points | 44.15 %
Détachement : Avant-garde
Callidus Assassin
5 | 100


Equipement : Epée de phase , Lames empoisonnées , Neuro-lacérateur
Aptitudes : Agent indépendant , Désengagement, Force d'Exécution, La Confusion règne, Polymorphine, Réflexes éclairs
Mots clés : Callidus Assassin, Infanterie, Personnage
Mots clés de faction : Imperium, Officio Assassinorum
Eversor Assassin
5 | 100


Equipement : Bombe à fusion, Epée énergétique, Neuro-gantelet, Pistolet Executioner
Aptitudes : Agent indépendant , Bio-déflagration , Carnage Meutrier, Force d'Exécution, Frenzon, Matrice sentinel, Réflexes éclairs
Mots clés : Eversor Assassin, Infanterie, Personnage
Mots clés de faction : Imperium, Officio Assassinorum
Vindicare Assassin
5 | 100


Equipement : Fusil Exitus, Grenades aveuglantes, Pistolet Exitus
Aptitudes : Agent indépendant , Combinaison furtive, Force d'Exécution, Head Shot, Masque d'espion , Réflexes éclairs, Tireur d'élite , Visée sans faille
Mots clés : Infanterie, Personnage, Vindicare Assassin
Mots clés de faction : Imperium, Officio Assassinorum
3 unités | 300 points | 15 %

Points : 105 | 1997
Commandement : 3
Figurines : 49
Unités : 14

Space Wolves : 90 | 1697
Pts : 84.9%
PP : 85.7%
[Z] Officio Assassinorum : 15 | 300
Pts : 15%
PP : 14.3%

Avant-garde : 15 | 300
Pts : 15%
PP : 14.3%

Abattez-le : 1
Assassinat : 19
Abhorrez le sorcier : 0
Pas de prisonniers : 101
Photo aléatoire

1 Ork par Reldan
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