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Space Marines : Imperator Eagles (2K) - lore w/ IK [2000 points]

par Aelion - modifiée le 24 Mai 2021

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-3 PC Super Lourd

-1PC Arme relique
Détachement : Avant-garde
[Seigneur de Guerre] Capitaine : "Aelion II Ravenstar, Maitre du Chapitre"
6 | 150


Equipement : Lame relique, Grenades Frag , Grenades Krak , Pistolet bolter
Aptitudes : Anges de la Mort, Halo de Fer, Rites de bataille [Aura]
Mots clés : Capitaine, Infanterie, Personnage
Mots clés de faction : Adeptus Astartes, Imperium
2- Upgrade Réacteur Dorsal Aptitudes : La Mort Venue du Ciel
Mots clés : Réacteur dorsal, Vol Iron Hands Mots clés de faction : Iron Hands

Unité unique - 150 points

Only in Death Does Duty End (2 CP): When one of your CHARACTERs who hasn't fought yet dies in the Fight phase, it can fight before being destroyed. Doesn't combo with the Banner abilities on Ancients.

Souls of Iron (2 CP): Deny on 4+ within 24" of an Iron Hands unit.
1 unité | 150 points | 7.5 %
Escouade Infiltrator (5)
6 | 120

Infiltrator 63+3+442273+
Infiltrator Sergeant 63+3+442383+

Equipement : Carabine bolter d'élite (4), Grenades Frag (4), Grenades Krak (4), Pistolet bolter (4)
Aptitudes : Anges de la Mort, Escouades de Combat, Omni-brouilleurs, Positions Cachées
Mots clés : Base, Ecran de Fumée, Escouade Infiltrator, Infanterie, Phobos, Primaris
Mots clés de faction : Adeptus Astartes, Imperium
Infiltrator Sergeant Equipement : Carabine bolter d'élite, Grenades Frag , Grenades Krak , Pistolet bolter
Escouade Infiltrator (5)
6 | 120

Infiltrator 63+3+442273+
Infiltrator Sergeant 63+3+442383+

Equipement : Carabine bolter d'élite (4), Grenades Frag (4), Grenades Krak (4), Pistolet bolter (4)
Aptitudes : Anges de la Mort, Escouades de Combat, Omni-brouilleurs, Positions Cachées
Mots clés : Base, Ecran de Fumée, Escouade Infiltrator, Infanterie, Phobos, Primaris
Mots clés de faction : Adeptus Astartes, Imperium
Infiltrator Sergeant Equipement : Carabine bolter d'élite, Grenades Frag , Grenades Krak , Pistolet bolter
2 unités | 240 points | 12 %
Escouade de Vétérans Bladeguard (7) : "Le Conseil des Epées"
10 | 310


Equipement : Epée énergétique de maître (6), Grenades Frag (6), Grenades Krak (6), Pistolet bolter Lourd (6)
Aptitudes : Anges de la Mort, Escouades de Combat
Mots clés : Base, Bladeguard, Escouade de Vétérans Bladeguard, Infanterie, Primaris
Mots clés de faction : Adeptus Astartes, Imperium

Unité unique - 45pts par fig
225pts par tranche de 5.
Escouade de Vétérans Vanguards (10) : "Vengeance Noire"
14 | 314

Veteran à Réacteur Dorsal 123+3+442282+/4++
Sergent Veteran à Réacteur Dorsal 123+3+442392+/4++

Equipement : Epée tronçonneuse Astartes (6), Griffe Lightning (6), Marteau Thunder (3), Grenades Frag (9), Grenades Krak (9), Pistolet bolter (9), Bouclier Storm (9)
Aptitudes : Anges de la Mort, Escouades de Combat
Mots clés : Base, Bombes à Fusion, Escouade de Vétérans Vanguards, Infanterie
Mots clés de faction : Adeptus Astartes, Imperium
Upgrade Réacteur Dorsal (9) Aptitudes : La Mort Venue du Ciel
Mots clés : Réacteur dorsal, Vol Veteran Sergeant Equipement : Marteau Thunder, Grenades Frag , Grenades Krak , Pistolet bolter, Bouclier Storm

Death to the Traitors! (1 CP): When one unit is attacking a HERETIC ASTARTES unit in the fight phase, re roll to hit rolls.

Hammer of Wrath (1CP): JUMP PACK models within a unit that successfully end a charge move within 1" of an enemy unit cause mortal wounds on a d6 roll that exceeds enemy Toughness.

Melta Bomb (1 CP): During the fight phase against a VEHICLE, one model in a MELTA BOMB unit can sacrifice their attacks to make one hit roll.

Mercy is Weakness (1 CP): Choose after a unit decides to shoot or fight. Select an enemy unit, and until the end of that phase, every IRON HANDS model that attacks this unit wounds twice on unmodified wound rolls of 6.

The Gorgon's Rage (1 CP): Use in the Fight phase, when choosing an IRON HANDS unit to fight. Until the end of the phase, that unit adds +1 to melee hit rolls.

Reject the Flesh / Embrace the Machine (1 CP): Use in any phase when an IRON HANDS INFANTRY unit in your army is chosen as a target for an attack. FNP on 5+++.

Scions of the Forge (1 CP): Special issue wargear to sergeants: MC weapon (+1D)
[SM] Leviathan Dreadnought
13 | 245

8-14 PV 93+3+7714-592+/5++
4-7 PV 64+4+--4-7---
1-3 PV 45+5+--1-3---

Equipement : Fuseur, Leviathan siege drill, Missile traqueur (3), Storm cannon, Twin volkite calivers (2)
Aptitudes : Anges de la Mort, Atomantic Conflagration, Devoir Eternel, Explosion, Martial Legacy, [Iron Hands] Marche des anciens
Mots clés : Dreadnought, Ecran de Fumée, Leviathan Dreadnought, Relic, Véhicule
Mots clés de faction : Adeptus Astartes, Imperium
Traits : -Trait- [Iron Hands] Toute chair est une faiblesse

Power of the Machine Spirit (2 CP): Select a MACHINE SPIRIT unit during command phase. Until the start of your next command phase, that unit acts as it has full wounds.

Wrathful Machine Spirit (2 CP): Used in the shooting or fight phase when a VEHICLE is chosen to shoot or fight; it can re-roll hit rolls for that phase.
3 unités | 869 points | 43.45 %
Land Raider Crusader : "Fureur"
15 | 315

9-16 PV 106+3+889-16692+
5-8 PV 5-4+--5-8D6--
1-4 PV 3-5+--1-41--

Equipement : Bolter Hurricane (2), Canon d'assaut jumelé, Bolter Storm, Multi-fuseur
Aptitudes : Anges de la Mort, Esprit de la machine, Explosion (6ps - D3 BM)
Mots clés : Ecran de Fumée, Lanceurs d'Assaut, Land Raider, Land Raider Crusader, Transport, Véhicule
Mots clés de faction : Adeptus Astartes, Imperium
1 unité | 315 points | 15.75 %
Détachement : Auxiliaire Super-Lourd
Seigneur de Batailles
Knight Gallant : "Lady Valiance Klantz, Fierté d'Eonstar"
22 | 415

13-24 PV 122+3+8824-593+
7-12 PV 93+4+--12----
1-6 PV 64+5+--6----

Equipement : Gantelets thunderstrike, Mitrailleuse, Pieds titanesques, Tronçonneuse reaper, Nacelle lance-missiles Ironstorm
Aptitudes : Bouclier Ionique, Explosion, Marcheur Super-lourd, Trait supplémentaire
Mots clés : Classe Questoris, Knight Gallant, Titanesque, Véhicule
Mots clés de faction : Imperial Knights, Imperium, [QM] Maison Taranis
Reliques : Gantelet du Parangon
Traits : [Codex] Senechal

Death Grip (1 CP): Make an extra attack on a single-model enemy within 1" and if it hits, you deal D3 mortal wounds instead of normal damage, then the two roll-off their Strength. If the enemy rolls equal or higher (or if they roll a 6) it breaks lose, otherwise you deal another D3 mortal wounds, then you roll-off again repeating the same steps.

Chainsweep (1 CP): Use this stratagem immediately after fighting with a IMPERIAL KNIGHTS model from your army that is equipped with a Reaper Chainsword, Ravager, or Honour's Bite. Roll a D6 for each enemy model within 3" of that model; on a 6 that enemy model's unit suffers a mortal wound.

Full Tilt (2 CP): Used in the Charge Phase. Pick a Knight that has advanced this turn; it can charge normally despite having Advanced.

Flanking Manoeuvre (1 CP): Add 8" to a model's move characteristic when advancing but must end the movement within 12" of a board edge.

Hurled Wreckage (1 CP): Auto hit and get maximum wounds when throwing something destroyed by a thunderstrike gauntlet or one of its upgrades at a vehicle or monster.

Valiant Last Stand (2 CP): One of two "On Death" Stratagems you have, and only usable if the Knight did not explode- this one allows the Knight to fire his ranged weapons or fight as if it was his turn in the combat phase before being removed, though the Knight counts as having only one wound left when making these attacks.

HOUSE TARANIS - Our Darkest Hour (3 CP): Use when one of your models dies and doesn’t explode. Roll a dice, on a 4+, the knight gets back up with d3 wounds left.
1 unité | 415 points | 20.75 %

Points : 92 | 1989
Commandement : -3
Figurines : 31
Unités : 8

Space Marines : 57 | 1329
Pts : 66.5%
PP : 62%
[FW] Imperium : 13 | 245
Pts : 12.3%
PP : 14.1%
Imperial Knights : 22 | 415
Pts : 20.8%
PP : 23.9%

Avant-garde : 70 | 1574
Pts : 78.7%
PP : 76.1%
Auxiliaire Super-Lourd : 22 | 415
Pts : 20.8%
PP : 23.9%

Abattez-le : 4
Assassinat : 4
Abhorrez le sorcier : 0
Pas de prisonniers : 59
Photo aléatoire

1 Ork par Reldan
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